Friday, 17 September 2021


Yes much like the 1980s themselves, The Peggy Mount Calamity Hour's relentless retrospective of that decade refuses to slink away quietly, wrapping itself instead in a neon bodysuit, a sheepish grin and no real idea of how technology works...

Yes, it's inappropriate digital assistants at the ready in this Acast EXCLUSIVE as Doctor Velvet and Blackout look back at the first episode of Automan, with strong drinks at hand to take the sting out of the stretched credibility and a smattering of profanity to catch anything else which slips through.

How feasible would it have been in 1984 to digitally simulate Chuck Wagner's glorious bouffant, given that live-action cameras were struggling to adequately capture its reality-defying contours? How credible would it have been to involve any actual detectives or intellectuals in the personality matrix of a crime-solving algorithm? And how plausible would it have been to get someone - anyone - to explain computers to Glen A Larson?

If you don't press Play, you won't find out...


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The Peggy Mount Calamity Hour is a free podcast from iPorle Media, which holds production copyright. Opinions and recollections expressed are not to be taken as fact. The title and credit music is by Doctor Velvet. Audio segments from television programmes are presented for review and informational purposes only under fair use, and no ownership of these is claimed or implied by this show. Email enquiries to

Friday, 10 September 2021

Bring 'Em Back Alive

The 1980s may have only ran for ten years, but that isn't going to stop The Peggy Mount Calamity Hour's neon-themed look-back series from leaving no deceased equine in an unflogged state. Because if you can't Bring 'Em Back Alive, all that remains is to pick over the carcass and determine the cause of death (or cancellation after seventeen episodes)...

Yes, it's pistols and pith helmets at the ready in this Soundcloud EXCLUSIVE, as we cast an eye over the decade's other icon of khaki and derring-do, Frank Buck (quiet at the back). Working tirelessly to thwart poachers and assist the circus industry, our hero's first valiant efforts come under the alcohol-fuelled and often profane scrutiny of Doctor Velvet and Blackout.

How far through the cacophony of this episode will our hosts make it before reaching for the Migraleve? How many times will they hit rewind to fully appreciate the immaculate wardrobe choices of G.B. Vonturgo? And will someone - anyone - please take away Frank Buck's hats..?

Find out what ended up being brought back (and in what condition) by clicking the Play button...

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The Peggy Mount Calamity Hour is a free podcast from iPorle Media, which holds production copyright. Opinions and recollections expressed are not to be taken as fact. The title and credit music is by Doctor Velvet. Audio segments from television programmes are presented for review and informational purposes only under fair use, and no ownership of these is claimed or implied by this show. Email enquiries to

The Fall Guy

This entire series of The Peggy Mount Calamity Hour focuses on the more macabre facets of the magic lantern partly in a bid to help cle...