Thursday 31 December 2020

The 70s Stop Here! / The New Year Show

HOOTS! Grab the hand-sanitiser, whatever's left of the scotch and remember to stick a lump of coal in your pocket for The Peggy Mount Hogmanay Hour! Messrs Velvet, Blackout and Bognops rouse from their festive sloth to see in the new year, or perhaps more pertinently see out the old.

We drop in with Dame Penelope Keith assuring that us The 70s Stop Here!, an unequaled archival treat which prizes schedule-filling over entertainment value. But the razzamatazz is cranked back up as we jump forward six years, down two channels and up across the border for STV's The New Year Show, where a clinically-lit studio in Glasgow plays host to Dame Russ Abbot (yes, again), Dame Lena Zavaroni (yes, again) and a swathe of 'well-worn' light entertainment stereotypes under the auspices of Dame Jack McLaughlin. It is indeed a time for looking forward, not back.

Which of our heroes was dragged out and around the houses at midnight at the end of December as a six year old? Which of them finds himself trapped in a time-vortex as New Year's Eve replays its televisual self verbatim and the new year becomes the old year again? And who suffers an on-mic flashback to day zero of a pathological trifle aversion?

Forget your old acquaintances, and find out...

(NOTE: If you want to count down to midnight with us in the show, start the podcast at 23:12:10. That's twelve minutes and ten seconds past eleven o'clock at night. Lovely stuff.)

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The Peggy Mount Calamity Hour is a free podcast from iPorle Media, which holds production copyright. Opinions and recollections expressed are not to be taken as fact. The title and credit music is by Doctor Velvet. Audio segments from television programmes are presented for review and informational purposes only under fair use, and no ownership of these is claimed or implied by this show. Email enquiries to

Thursday 24 December 2020

Christmas Eve With Val Doonican (1986)

They said it couldn’t be done, but here we are at last - the twelfth day of Pegmas and the final seasonal serving of treasured, televisual treats. As was staunch tradition once upon a telly time, December 24th bestowed upon us the gentlest of light-entertainment repasts in the form of BBC One’s Christmas Eve with Val Doonican from 1986. Messrs Velvet, Blackout and Bognops pull on festive knitwear, a well-pressed slack and get seated ‘pon rocking chairs ready for the musical festivities.

Does every rented luxury property in Maidenhead come with a horse-drawn carriage as the de rigour form of commute? Where can I buy reproduction garments so that I may cos-play Val Doonican? Do we wish you, our devoted listener, the very merriest of Christmases?

Yes, we most certainly do.

Enjoy this final episode of the series (ish) and in particular have a chuckle at the end; it’s crackers.

To note:

Valorous Doonican's Pre-Crinkly Bottom:
Valorous Doonican's Pre-Crinkly Bottom

The Mustard Gang...
The Mustard Gang...

ValDoon is here and he's going to fuck. shit. up...

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The Peggy Mount Calamity Hour is a free podcast from iPorle Media, which holds production copyright. Opinions and recollections expressed are not to be taken as fact. The title and credit music is by Doctor Velvet. Audio segments from television programmes are presented for review and informational purposes only under fair use, and no ownership of these is claimed or implied by this show. Email enquiries to

Wednesday 23 December 2020

You're Only Young Twice: 'Twas The Night Before Christmas (1980)

A home is where the Christmas heart is and that’s certainly the case in this penultimate seasonal episode (yes, you’re nearly there). Velvet, Blackout and Bognops sit athwart the glitterati syndicate known as ‘The Window Gang’ and view the yuletide hustle and bustle at Paradise Lodge in Yorkshire Television’s festive edition of You're Only Young Twice from 1980. Although the episode is entitled ’Twas The Night Before Christmas’, this was the top of the list for viewing ‘pon December the 23rd for a very specific reason…

Just how much sherry has Dolly consumed? What must one endure as part of initiation into the esteemed and revered Window Gang? How much dust can accumulate in a sideboard? Important questions with much needed answers are to be found this way…

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The Peggy Mount Calamity Hour is a free podcast from iPorle Media, which holds production copyright. Opinions and recollections expressed are not to be taken as fact. The title and credit music is by Doctor Velvet. Audio segments from television programmes are presented for review and informational purposes only under fair use, and no ownership of these is claimed or implied by this show. Email enquiries to

Tuesday 22 December 2020

Bullseye Christmas Celebrity Special (1988)

Our trenchant trinity of Velvet, Blackout and Bognops lend themselves to something traditionally competitive as they approach the oche and ‘take it steady’ before scoring Central Television’s Bullseye Christmas Celebrity Special from 1988. Accompanying James Bowen Esq. is of course Anthony Green, and in a manner uncannily similar to a Dickensian apologue, they're visited by visions from sport and show business past and present to aim some arrows for charity. Can the viewing of this schedule stalwart prove once and for all that one is inefficacious in the amelioration of a smidgen of the bovidae dos taurus?

Just what is distracting the studio audience? Where can one purchase garments of a confectionary-inspired shade? Why is that lady repeating EVERY WORD? Stay out of the black and in the red, and take your time…

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The Peggy Mount Calamity Hour is a free podcast from iPorle Media, which holds production copyright. Opinions and recollections expressed are not to be taken as fact. The title and credit music is by Doctor Velvet. Audio segments from television programmes are presented for review and informational purposes only under fair use, and no ownership of these is claimed or implied by this show. Email enquiries to

The Undersea Aventures Of Captain Nemo

Not quite ready to surface from hibernation, The Peggy Mount Calamity Hour ekes out the last of the dark nights by curling up at the fi...