Friday, 16 September 2022

Liz Dawn's House Party

A podcast with more confidence in sporting metaphors might use some reference to 'extra time' while talking about their bonus episode, so naturally The Peggy Mount Calamity Hour sees this series-extender as more of an improvised, last minute lock-in. Because there's nothing like having a great night, drinks flowing behind closed doors, after dark and in raucous company with plenty of laughter.

And speaking of nothing like a great night, our heroic triumvirate have drawn the curtains and uncorked the port to gatecrash Liz Dawn's House Party, the 1996 straight-to-VHS version of The Stanford Prison Experiment where you can play along at home if you enjoy feeling trapped, belittled and punished.

For maximum effect, is it best to insert a laugh-track to complement jokes or as a substitute for them? For a great duet, should you really book two club singers with the same range? For the love of god, when does it end?

We found out, and now so can you...

Don't forget, the Peggy Mount Calamity Hour Quiz is still open! Rules and entry-instructions can be found here, and the answer-sheet can be downloaded here:


Liz Dawn's House Party
Broadcast: VHS only, 1996
Production: Talent Television / Polygram Video
Writer: Laurie Rowley
Music: Andy Rumble
Producer/Director: Jeff Thacker / John Kaye Cooper
Starring: Liz Dawn, Bill Tarmey, Faith Brown, Jimmy Cricket, Les Dennis, Russell Grant, Lily Savage, Fred Feast, Amanda Holden

You can Subscribe, Like, Follow, Rate and Review on:

The Peggy Mount Calamity Hour is a free podcast from iPorle Media, which holds production copyright. Opinions and recollections expressed are not to be taken as fact. The title and credit music is by Doctor Velvet, with additional live accompaniments by Ozzy Bognops. Audio segments from television programmes are presented for review and informational purposes only under fair use, and no ownership of these is claimed or implied by this show. Email enquiries to

Friday, 2 September 2022

The Trap Door / Name That Tune

It's the end of term! Yes, as The Peggy Mount Calamity Hour parks up on the driveway to deliver the series' tenth episode, spirits are high as firmly-held convictions are batted around the studio like a game of opinionated tennis...

The show opens with our heroes lifting The Trapdoor and finding something delightful they can all agree upon, before a challenge to Name That Tune becomes rather more animated as *someone* asserts that half a dozen Rights can be enough to somehow make half an hour of Wrong™.

How many times can Trap Door be adapted to an 8-bit gaming format before it's any good? How many members do cruiseship-crooners Kaluki have to add to their roster before the law of averages says they'll land on a harmony? And how many times does Blackout get it Wrong™ in this?

Click on, listen in and find out...


The Trap Door
Broadcast: Monday 06 October 1986, 16:10
Production/Channel: CMTB/Queensgate, Childrens' ITV
Writer: Terry Brain, Charlie Mills
Music: Bob Heatlie
Producer/Director: John Howson / Terry Brain, Charlie Mills
Starring: Willie Rushton, Nick Shipley

Name That Tune
Broadcast: Circa 1984
Production/Channel: Thames Television, ITV
Writer: David Self
Music: Peter Fenn
Producer/Director: Prod, Dir
Starring: Lionel Blair, Maggie Moone, Kaluki, Tallulha Beckett, Alan Braden

...but to business!

As regular listeners will know, we've been running a competition throughout this new series. In each of the episodes (starting with Droids / Starsky & Hutch), Doctor Velvet poses a question after our discussion of a programme. The answers to these can be handily recorded on our very special Peggy Mount Calamity Hour Quiz Official Answer Sheet, here.:

So. Here's what to do.

• Download the sheet and print it out.

• Complete the answers in the relevant boxes

Don't post it on our social media, but stick the sheet on your fridge (or any fridge, it doesn't have to be yours), take a photo of that and e-mail it to with the subject line 'Fridge Competition'

• NB: Some of the answers are referenced in the preceding review-segments, some are observational references from the programmes themselves (linked to in the show-notes for each episode), and some are a little more... creatively inspired. With this in mind, we're not necesarily looking for a sheet full of correct answers (although do get them right where you can) - amusing and entertaining will (should (could (might))) be enough.

• The competition closes on the last day of September 2022. We'll select a winner on Saturday the first of October 2022, and contact them via the e-mail address they used for entry. There are no runner-up prizes. Our decision is final.

• Oh, I suppose you want to know what the prize is? Fair enough. It's this magnificent fridge-magnet!

The Peggy Magnet Calamity Fridge

(yeah, you're thinking 'a fridge magnet? singular? wow, that's big of you'. But rest assured, when you see what these babies retail for on our RedBubble store, you'll see it's definitely worth getting one for free if you can. We'll even throw in some stickers as well. They're not on the RedBubble, they're exclusive for things like this.

• I mean, do buy a magnet if you can. We'd appreciate the absolute fuck out of that, obviously. We've got t-shirts as well. The whack. Look, the store's new that's why we haven't mentioned it on the episodes yet. If anything, this competition's like a promotion for it. We suppose. We don't run a P*treon, so merch is the thing, y'know? Who doesn't like cool things?

Buy the things...*

• *Seriously, only if you can. We're very aware it's 2022 y'know? Hardly the time to be launching a frivolous online store for fans of drunken rambling. But like we said, it's merch here not P*treon.

• Wow, what a cringe-inducing promotion this is. Anyway, GOOD LUCK!

You can Subscribe, Like, Follow, Rate and Review on:

The Peggy Mount Calamity Hour is a free podcast from iPorle Media, which holds production copyright. Opinions and recollections expressed are not to be taken as fact. The title and credit music is by Doctor Velvet, with additional live accompaniments by Ozzy Bognops. Audio segments from television programmes are presented for review and informational purposes only under fair use, and no ownership of these is claimed or implied by this show. Email enquiries to

The Fall Guy

This entire series of The Peggy Mount Calamity Hour focuses on the more macabre facets of the magic lantern partly in a bid to help cle...