Things are heating up at The Peggy Mount Calamity Hour, as vintage televisual entertainment gets Intense™. And that's not to say there's no fun to be had, but brows are certainly furrowed as the temperature rises...
This week it's 1987, and there's utter hell on at the Thundera Feline Depository Centre when Mumm-Ra gets his burglar-on in Thundercats. Keeping things smoothly above board with an iron fist in a velvet glove however is Mr Henry Kelly; the smiling face of quizmastery and firm international diplomacy that the world needs more than ever, as he guides his coterie of contestants in their quest of Going For Gold.
Where does Snarf rank in the all-time leaderboard of patience-sapping animated sidekicks? Is Mumm-Ra the sort of ill-humoured old neighbour that would be better suited to bursting footballs on Ramsey Street? And was Henry Kelly really the most socially tactful host the BBC could find to front an international game show?
We're still not sure...

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The Peggy Mount Calamity Hour is a free podcast from iPorle Media, which holds production copyright. Opinions and recollections expressed are not to be taken as fact. The title and credit music is by Doctor Velvet. Audio segments from television programmes are presented for review and informational purposes only under fair use, and no ownership of these is claimed or implied by this show. Email enquiries to PeggyMountPod@gmail.com
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